Essential Skincare's Blog

Winter Skin Care Advice

November 10th, 2012 • Posted by Essential Skincare & Wellness Studio • Permalink

Winter is upon us. For oily skin sufferers, this can be good news, as cooler weather can tend to retard the production of oil. Still, maintaining a healthy balance between oil and moisture is just as crucial during the winter as during the hot, summer months.

Those with dry skin might view the advent of colder weather with dread. Lower humidity levels combined with indoor air dried out by heat can make your skin even drier and in greater need of protection.

To begin, let's review some basic tips that will make the winter months more bearable for all skin types.

Keep up your water intake. No, you may not be perspiring as much as you did during the summer -- unless you undertake vigorous workouts. But the body needs adequate hydration to function properly on all levels. Harsh winter conditions and heated indoor air dry out the outer layer of the skin. Dehydrated skin can become more sensitive, even irritated. Two to three liters of water per day is sufficient, according to the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine.

Adequate sleep is your next best friend when it comes to skin care. Fatigue and stress can make skin look tired. A good night's sleep helps rejuvenate and renew the epidermis, while the lack of it allows problems and irregularities to persist. No number of facial treatments can overcome persistent lack of sleep. How much you need depends, but as a general guide, six to eight hours should suffice.

A balanced diet, buttressed by supplements, is another must. Vitamins A, C and E are known to be healthy for skin. But sufficient intake of other vitamins and minerals is also vital. Yellow and green vegetables provide beta-carotene in its natural form. Beta-carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A, is an antioxidant and helps defend the skin against aging. Citrus fruits, as well as leafy, green veggies and strawberries provide Vitamin C, a normal constituent of skin, according to the Linus Pauling Institute. As we age, Vitamin C levels decline. Skin contains more Vitamin E even than Vitamin C. Get this antioxidant comes from nuts, seeds, spinach and olive oil and take full advantage of its properties, which help guard against the aging effects of sun exposure. If your diet is sketchy, consider taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement for extra support.

Exfoliating is just as important during cold weather as during the dog days of August. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, which helps accelerate cell turnover, leading to a brighter, more vigorous skin appearance. As you age, cell turnover retards. Dull, ashy-looking skin can result. Moreover, exfoliated skin is better prepared to absorb the daily products you employ. Unless your skin is ultra-sensitive, regular exfoliation - at least once or twice per week - is essential to restore a healthy glow.

Your cleansing regimen may need some adjusting as fall turns to winter. The oil-free product you used in the heat of summer might leave your skin feeling dry as the holiday season rolls around. Look for a hydrating cleanser if you have normal to oily skin. Those who battle dryness might need to switch to a creamy, moisturizing product to battle the effects of the cold. You may find that cleansing once a day allows your skin to retain its balance. If you wash but once a day, thoroughly remove makeup and clean your skin at night. In the morning, splash with water or soak a cotton ball in toner and pass it over your face to wake up the skin.

Moisture applied topically helps maintain a healthy balance. Choose a hydrating but oil-free product for oily skin and apply it daily. Even if you use a moisturizing sunscreen, you should also employ moisturizer. Apply it while your skin is still damp from the bath or shower. Drier skins may need products that combine moisture with oils or butters to help seal it in. The ratio of oil to water you need depends on the condition of your skin and how readily it absorbs product.

Skin care is a matter of common sense and careful attention. Regular visits to for skin care are essential year-round. Vigilance and consistency of effort can help keep your skin healthy and trouble-free until spring comes to pass.

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On Your Way to Radiant Skin - 10 Things to Avoid

October 13th, 2012 • Posted by Essential Skincare & Wellness Studio • Permalink

Radiant skin has the ability to transform us, to take us from drab to stunning. And yet we find ways to abuse it. Here are 10 things we can all stop doing in an effort to make our skin glow:


Going unprotected. We're all bright enough to know that sunscreen is a must.
It protects us from burning, wrinkling, and other signs of premature aging.


Soaping it up. Using soap instead of cleanser on our faces is a sure way to
strip our skin of healthy oils, leaving us with fine lines that aren't actually very
fine at all.


Squeezing when we shouldn't. As tempting as it may be to pop them to
Kingdom Come, leave the mitts off the zits.


Getting all touchy-feeling. It's impossible to keep our hands clean, so try not
to touch your face as you go about your day. There's no reason to introduce
germs to your pretty mug.


Becoming aggressive. There are a ton of at-home products that promise you
a "spa-like" chemical peel or microdermabrasion. Exhibit extra caution if you
decide to try one of these kits. They can be damaging in the wrong hands. A professional is always the best choice if you're wanting to affect bigger change in your skin than simple exfoliation!


Lighting up. Smoking impairs blood flow, meaning less oxygen and nutrients
can get to our skin. Plus, there are at least 4,000 different chemicals in
tobacco and many of them are known to damage collagen and elastin.


Eating like a kid home alone. Just because we're adults and can choose our
own meals doesn't mean we should toss out the food pyramid. Plenty of
colorful fruits and veggies will make our skin glow from within.


Drinking the wrong things. Okay, this is admittedly a drag, but caffeine and
alcohol sap our skin of hydration, leaving us prone to wrinkles.


Not drinking the right things. Water. Water. Water. Enough said.


Skimping on the moisture. Find a moisturizer you adore and bathe your skin
in it for a dewy appearance.

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Fall Facial Renewal

October 2nd, 2012 • Posted by Essential Skincare & Wellness Studio • Permalink

As the days get shorter and the air gets colder, we feel transition in the air. The leaves turn into patchwork paintings of reds, oranges, and yellows. Fall is on its way and with it comes a time of necessary change in our daily facial routines. 

As much as we long for the warmth of summer after the gray skies of winter, nothing beats autumn when it comes to a sense of renewal.

Autumn is the perfect time to take care of yourself in a new way.  As the cooler weather rolls in, shifts may be needed in your daily routines.  I am here to help ease you into this transition.  

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